Written by Andrew
Pandora is one of my favorite website. It is an internet radio. What makes it different is that you type in a song and songs that sound like the one you type in will appear.
When i signed up for Napster i downloaded about 300 songs. Then i went to Pandora and discovered many good bands. and download another 300. Pandora does a great job on find music that sounds like the music you like. The only downside is that after a few songs they ask you to make a free account. Later, I will teach how to rip songs from Pandora.
Yes, you can earn more with just Paypal and Alertpay.
All you have to do is referral people. With Alertpay you get $5 for every referral and $10 if your a premium member! On Paypal you get 0.5% of what your referral earns, up to $1,000. You earn lots of money just by referraling! By the way since i told you about this if you haven't signed up at Alertpay, signup with this link here
Hope I helped,
Yes, I installed Xubuntu 8.04 on my computer. Why Xubuntu? Well, my computer is one and a half years old and Xubuntu is fast (because its meant for old computers) and i like the interface.
I have tried Ubuntu 7.04 before and hated it. My wireless wouldn't connect and i couldn't write to my Windows partition. From then i thought Ubuntu wasn't that great. I was bored about a month ago and went to Wubi. Realizing that it is officially supported i decided to try 8.04 out.
I was IMPRESSED! With the new NTFS-3g you can read and write to NTFS partitions! I loved it so much i used lvmp to move it to a partition. I fix my wireless problems too. I have a BCM43xx wireless card. (That's my next post). The only problem was that I held the power button and the computer shut off. On the next boot up Ubuntu failed and went to Bash. I just reinstalled it. I fixed my problems by moving it to a dedicated partition.
Hope I helped,
Andrew <--- yes i'm back B)
Written by Andrew
Well this blog hasn't had a new post in a while. Why? Well i lost interest in it. I am still in school and i don't want to manage it. I am thinking about giving it away. I have almost 10,000 Entrecard credits, some SEO (people are finding it via Google), and a good amount of traffic. Real y i don't know what to do.
Written by Andrew
I have decided to join a couple more trustable pay to click sites. Pay to click (or PTC) is basically when you are paid to click advertisements. And here i am going to tell you why you should join them.
Well first off i am going to tell you that i researched a group of sites that are very trustable. They are: Xclix, Advercash, 10Bux.net, Titanclicks, Turbobux.com, and uBux.us
Once you have visited the site your probably saying "I ONLY EARN 1 CENT PER AD?!?!??!"
Actually this does add up. Let's do some math. 6 programs have 14 ads on average. 6 x 14 = 84
then its $0.01 per click. But in the next post i will teach you how to get atleast 1 referral just by signing up. So you really get 0.02 cents with a referral
84 x 0.02 = $1.68 OR $11.76 a week OR $58.02 a month OR $598.08 a year.
Hope i helped
Before we began our installation of Ubuntu, what is ubuntu. Ubuntu is an Operating System (OS) based on Linux. There are many versions of Linux. Linux is safer, faster, and more secure than Vista (and XP). Also while Vista cost $240 (Home Premuim) Linux cost .........
FREEE!!! Yes Linux is free. So do you want to try it out? After the installation you WILL have all your files and when you start up your computer you will have the option to start Vista (or XP) or Linux/Ubuntu. So lets get started.
First download Wubi and install it.
Once opened choose your user name and password. The minmuim installation size is 4 GB which is fine but i recommand 6 GB. Then choose your desktop environment.
Xubuntu is for slow, older computer -> picture
Ubuntu has something for everyone -> picture
Edubuntu is for education -> picture
Kubuntu (my favorite) is Ubuntu with KDE (looks nicer and more user friendly) -> picture
UbuntuStudio is Ubuntu that comes with free professional software to edit audio, video, and graphics -> picture
Once you have choosen your version click install.
Then do something for about 4 hours and when you return you will be running Linux!
- Andrew
If you are a person who is rather gullible and tries every program on the internet than getting referrals can be a problem. Whether its making money online or trying to get a free iPod.
Referrals are a hard thing to find. Whether you be a jerk and tell friends to do something or post a Youtube video or article you never really get many referrals. I have a way to get some.
But please click my re feral link. This isn't a paid post and it wont affect your account. And if you don't click mine click someone else otherwise your rather selfish.
1. Make a account at GetRef.com <---- (this is when you be generous. ; ) If you are generous i might give you a reward. Comment!)
2. Now you need to get some points. The way do to that is to join someone ones program. So say you want a free iPod. In your account click Earn then Earn By Joining Programs then click the site that you want to go through. By the way if you upgrade to gold you earn double the credits.
3. Once you joined a program, click the Spend button. Then click buy referrals for your program after find your program and start marketing for it.
4. For additional credits you can join more program or buy some. You can also click links and watch them for 15 seconds by that only earns you an average of maybe .012 credits.
5. Once you finish a program and get money or a prize or whatever tell me, because I want to inform people on what are scams and what is real.
Yes, I have started to do some pay to clicking. I have decided to choose TitanCash Network over Bux.to because i read some bad reviews of Bux.to and they are true. Well first off. Pay to click or PTC is basically when you are paid to view advertisements.
I have an account on Advercash.net and Titanclicks.com. Here are my referral links if anyone wants to be nice :) : Titanclick and Advercash. (You can also get some EC or GetRef credits by signing up). I think they lack lots of ads. Advercash is much better than titanclicks because it has more higher paying ads. (I hate the ads on titanclick that you make 0.001 off of.) I have clicked about 170 ads and made about $0.90. That's not a lot but i have only been doing this for five days. The key tho make more money is referrals. I will show you how to get some EASY in a future article. You can also purchase referrals, but I read some bad reviews about purchasing them. I will keep you notified when I get paid (if i get paid).
- Andrew
Hello, thanks for reading Homehacking and please subscribe (BY THE WAY I JUST GOT MY 1ST SUBSCRIBER!!! don't laugh.)
About the free iPod scam (I need HELP!). (BTW this i NOT a paid post and there isn't any "referral" links)
The free iPod scams. Well i really shouldn't say that. I would like to know if they are scams. I was thinking about doing one through a Trainn.org site. If anyone had experience with them please comment. But PLEASE no comments saying "It's Great! here is my refferal link" i don't want referal links. Nor do i want people saying all these sites are scams without any evidence. Please share your experience because there is many people that are stuck in the middle. Like me. And if enough people say its not a scam then i will try to get one. Please comment.
- Andrew
Yep, no more text ads. YAY!!! I cancelled them because i wasn't getting any results. Look at the picture -->
I am also unimpressed with Spottt too. I might cancel them. The way you can earn some ECs is if you could tell me of a site that could get me some free ads and have good results.
- Andrew
Ok, every site has a post like this. Drop EntreCards Fast. What makes mine different? I combine the site program together to make the Best Dropping ever!
Well the fastest way to drop EntreCard is to, .... drum roll .... use tysblog.com idea and entrecard.bendzg.com sites.Thankfully, i have complied all this to together. Right click here, and Save Target As... .
Next open Internet Explorer. (Firefox intstructions below)!
Goto File -> Import and Export
Click Next twice, find the file you saved and click FINISH!
Now for the better Internet browser Firefox! :) (Actually, I use and like Maxthon more!)
Open Firefox up. Then goto Bookmarks -> Organize bookmarks
Then in the Bookmark Manager window goto file -> Import
Select From File -> Find the file and your done!
Now using it.
Start up your browser and goto Bookmarks -> EntreCard Dropping -> Ulimate EntreCard Phemonon (excuse my spelling) -> .1 Seconds -> group 1 -> Open All tabs.
Use control + Tab to go through the page dropping. Then when your done goto the send group and so on. Do all .1 - .5 second folders and you should have dropped 305 sites!
The easiest way is to goto getburied.com and use the EntreCard Scratch Ticket. i got 500 EC my second time! Goto winners and scroll down and find Andrew, i won 500 EC!!
Then at Joetech you can play the Entrecard slots for free, too! I would also check out there ad slots, you can get a free backlink that way! Here is the link. Please click it here and support my blog. It won't affect your chances of winning but, it is a nice thing todo.
I hope I helped!
- Andrew
Written by Andrew
The title says it all. Any tech questions you got, post them here! Actually, you can post anything questions, asks for fixes, OMG I JUST KILLED MY COMPUTER HOW DO I FIX IT, what would you like to see. Thanks for contributing!
- Andrew