What's up with this blog.
Well this blog hasn't had a new post in a while. Why? Well i lost interest in it. I am still in school and i don't want to manage it. I am thinking about giving it away. I have almost 10,000 Entrecard credits, some SEO (people are finding it via Google), and a good amount of traffic. Real y i don't know what to do.
Blogging takes a lot of time, I know how you feel.
Btw, If you need someone to take your credits, I'll volunteer.
According to http://directory.sootle.com/website-worth/
its worth $277, but i will sell it for much less.
- Andrew
Site Admin
hmmm, I'm pretty busy with my own blog right now...I'd be happy to help ease the burden of all those credits though! Why not "go out with a bang" and have a little contest for your credits?